Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky | stairs | stairway OCR: steeple Vertical spires are ubiquitous n Yan Gaghs land scape com ipositions from Holland Paris and Arles. While the painter was convalescing in Saint-Remy he madea sketch that records the Gothic spire and dome of Saint- Martin. In his Starry Nighz, hawever, the church ua the horizon is humble Dutch chapel below with tall Gothic steeple abave This amalgamation suggests the artist's am biguity about the symbolic status of spire which reaches but hardly penetrates the sky In the larger scheme of the composition, the cypress tree aggressively achieves what churrh steenles onl attemnt: transpor between soil and sky ertical Gogh compositions made Night however above amal amation sugpests ymbolic steeples only attempt transport